Organized Resistance

Please post the state you are living in next to your name. This would be a start for state by state unity. Once a state webpage is set up, we start going from county to county, and then city to city. Once we reach that point we would be able to organize active civil disobedience, but until we get to the point that we know who’s who in the zoo, we will remain ineffective. This is our beginning.

If it is your desire to use this site to organize an event please send an email and we will put up a page in order that you might come together with the people in your state and county who will stand with you and perpetuate your event to its logical conclusion.

153 Responses to Organized Resistance

  1. Angel-NYC says:

    Thank you, Henry.

  2. Angel-NYC says:

    Thank you, Henry.

  3. ROBERT TUCKER says:

    I don t think there is one person in the whitehouse that has the balls to stand up and say enough is enough. they change the formula on how many jobs were created !!!! To make us think things are getting better BUT WHEN YOU GO TO A TEMP AGGENCEY TO FIND WORK THEY SAY LET ME GET BACK WITH YOU.because they don t have enough jobs to go around .lets wake up and do something america

    • Henry Shivley OR says:

      Robert Tucker,
      You are right, there is not a single person in Washington DC that truly represents the people. Therefore it is going to be up to us to move that mountain and reclaim our country.

  4. ROBERT TUCKER says:

    I don t think there is one person in the whitehouse that has the balls to stand up and say enough is enough. they change the formula on how many jobs were created !!!! To make us think things are getting better BUT WHEN YOU GO TO A TEMP AGGENCEY TO FIND WORK THEY SAY LET ME GET BACK WITH YOU.because they don t have enough jobs to go around .lets wake up and do something america

    • Henry Shivley OR says:

      Robert Tucker,
      You are right, there is not a single person in Washington DC that truly represents the people. Therefore it is going to be up to us to move that mountain and reclaim our country.

  5. Cindy1959-RI says:

    The government is not listening. We have been screamiong for months. MONTHS!! Im tired, homeless, carless, no insurance left, no gas for car to look for work, certificates exspired, bank account closed and being chased by them and because thier are no affordable appts. i am at the end of my rope. I have paid taxes to this government that is reeping the rewards on my taxes and we still arnt heard. We are dying everyday. Was this really the plan? God needs to send one large lightning bolt thru The White House and Congress. They are listening to us.

  6. Cindy1959-RI says:

    The government is not listening. We have been screamiong for months. MONTHS!! Im tired, homeless, carless, no insurance left, no gas for car to look for work, certificates exspired, bank account closed and being chased by them and because thier are no affordable appts. i am at the end of my rope. I have paid taxes to this government that is reeping the rewards on my taxes and we still arnt heard. We are dying everyday. Was this really the plan? God needs to send one large lightning bolt thru The White House and Congress. They are listening to us.

  7. Barbara Curtis says:

    Great article Henry. Thanks so much for creating this website. I heard rumors that the 99ers would be mentioned today, Nov. 16th. Then I found out that Congress is not even in session today because the new politicians are taking oath. (3 or 4). I also heard that the most important bill to be discussed are the tax cuts for EVERYONE. A few of the politicians have voiced their opinion on the tax extension and this is where they stand and agree — “Michele Bachmann Open to Bush Tax Cuts Compromise — But Only If Not Tied To Unemployment Benefits Extension.” Same old song and dance. The TEA Party has only one interest, keeping the wealthy 10-12% of Americans satiated while 9-10% unemployment for working class America becomes the norm. What it boils down to is they want to extend the Bush tax cuts but they do not want to extend Unemployment Benefits. How on earth can they make a statement like that? I think every single member of Congress should be asked why tax cuts are more important than life and death. I would love to hear the answers.

    • Henry Shivley OR says:

      Glad to see you made it. Building a site has been an interesting experience. Things you think will be easy are hard and things you think will be hard are easy. We need to spread the word to get enough people to log on so Google will put the site on their search engine. If you have any suggestions to improve the site let me know. Onward and upward.

  8. Barbara Curtis says:

    Great article Henry. Thanks so much for creating this website. I heard rumors that the 99ers would be mentioned today, Nov. 16th. Then I found out that Congress is not even in session today because the new politicians are taking oath. (3 or 4). I also heard that the most important bill to be discussed are the tax cuts for EVERYONE. A few of the politicians have voiced their opinion on the tax extension and this is where they stand and agree — “Michele Bachmann Open to Bush Tax Cuts Compromise — But Only If Not Tied To Unemployment Benefits Extension.” Same old song and dance. The TEA Party has only one interest, keeping the wealthy 10-12% of Americans satiated while 9-10% unemployment for working class America becomes the norm. What it boils down to is they want to extend the Bush tax cuts but they do not want to extend Unemployment Benefits. How on earth can they make a statement like that? I think every single member of Congress should be asked why tax cuts are more important than life and death. I would love to hear the answers.

    • Henry Shivley OR says:

      Glad to see you made it. Building a site has been an interesting experience. Things you think will be easy are hard and things you think will be hard are easy. We need to spread the word to get enough people to log on so Google will put the site on their search engine. If you have any suggestions to improve the site let me know. Onward and upward.

  9. mike-CO/OR says:

    Is there a way we can all get together and start our own buisness, employers are taking advantage of this recession and it’s really getting on my nerve.

    • Henry Shivley OR says:

      You are absolutely right. This recession/depression was planned because the rich elite want the working people in this country to starve to the point that they will work for wages which equate to slavery.
      As for us starting businesses, the billions given to the banks for this purpose is only for those who already have businesses and a pocket full of money. If we are to have anything we are going to have to take it, so we need to start coming up with ideas on how to do so.
      Keep coming back to this site as this is the premise we will be building on.

  10. mike-CO/OR says:

    Is there a way we can all get together and start our own buisness, employers are taking advantage of this recession and it’s really getting on my nerve.

    • Henry Shivley OR says:

      You are absolutely right. This recession/depression was planned because the rich elite want the working people in this country to starve to the point that they will work for wages which equate to slavery.
      As for us starting businesses, the billions given to the banks for this purpose is only for those who already have businesses and a pocket full of money. If we are to have anything we are going to have to take it, so we need to start coming up with ideas on how to do so.
      Keep coming back to this site as this is the premise we will be building on.

  11. Cindy New York says:

    If you owned a dog and refused to buy it food, left it living in unhealthy conditions or in a car, neglected it’s health you would be arrested for animal cruelty. How can our Government get away with abusing it’s citizens and forcing them to live in poverty when they have played by the rules their entire life and were once a hard working American and get away with it???? Congress should be arrested for Citizen cruelty. May they all rot in hell.

    • Henry Shivley OR says:

      Cindy New York,
      You are right and if you were a wolf that had developed a taste for little children they would build you a preserve and throw the infants of the poor over the fence to you. Our enemies put the “E” in evil and they are not going to just stop because someone showed them the error of their ways. They are going to have to be stopped.
      By next Monday there will be a new page on this site which will be a Think Tank. All those who read this are encouraged to put forth ideas on the new page as to how to cause our enemies real pain. The time of writing emails depicting our misery has to be put behind us.

    • 3 Months Unemployed - TX says:

      Cindy, you bring up a very good point. There are cruelty/abuse laws for children and the elderly. The elderly are defined in some states as any one over 40. So are the politicians guilty of abuse of the elderly? When the states raid the 401(k) accounts of those over 40, thereby denying some with the basic of a roof over their head and food on the table, are they guilty of abuse? Or when they changed the laws on teachers in regards to social security and retirement, which has dwindled to a mere penance of subsistence are they guilty of abuse? Or when they took away social security disability from those that paid into the system for 27 years, but made the unwise choice to go into teaching, guilty of abuse?

      The answer to all of the above is yes.

  12. Cindy New York says:

    If you owned a dog and refused to buy it food, left it living in unhealthy conditions or in a car, neglected it’s health you would be arrested for animal cruelty. How can our Government get away with abusing it’s citizens and forcing them to live in poverty when they have played by the rules their entire life and were once a hard working American and get away with it???? Congress should be arrested for Citizen cruelty. May they all rot in hell.

    • Henry Shivley OR says:

      Cindy New York,
      You are right and if you were a wolf that had developed a taste for little children they would build you a preserve and throw the infants of the poor over the fence to you. Our enemies put the “E” in evil and they are not going to just stop because someone showed them the error of their ways. They are going to have to be stopped.
      By next Monday there will be a new page on this site which will be a Think Tank. All those who read this are encouraged to put forth ideas on the new page as to how to cause our enemies real pain. The time of writing emails depicting our misery has to be put behind us.

    • 3 Months Unemployed - TX says:

      Cindy, you bring up a very good point. There are cruelty/abuse laws for children and the elderly. The elderly are defined in some states as any one over 40. So are the politicians guilty of abuse of the elderly? When the states raid the 401(k) accounts of those over 40, thereby denying some with the basic of a roof over their head and food on the table, are they guilty of abuse? Or when they changed the laws on teachers in regards to social security and retirement, which has dwindled to a mere penance of subsistence are they guilty of abuse? Or when they took away social security disability from those that paid into the system for 27 years, but made the unwise choice to go into teaching, guilty of abuse?

      The answer to all of the above is yes.

  13. EvaGrace-PA says:

    What mostly makes this country different from all the rest is not money, military, opportunity, or even freedom (because we haven’t been free for a long, long time)…it’s the fact that, in all other countries, the government is afraid of the people…in this country, we are afraid of the government.

  14. EvaGrace-PA says:

    What mostly makes this country different from all the rest is not money, military, opportunity, or even freedom (because we haven’t been free for a long, long time)…it’s the fact that, in all other countries, the government is afraid of the people…in this country, we are afraid of the government.

  15. Mark S. NV says:

    Well, I can’t believe it has come to this Henry. Guess it’s time to rock and roll. I’m not a 99 er yet but might as well call myself one. Things are looking mighty bleak….

  16. Mark S. NV says:

    Well, I can’t believe it has come to this Henry. Guess it’s time to rock and roll. I’m not a 99 er yet but might as well call myself one. Things are looking mighty bleak….

  17. linda bledsoe - new york state says:

    i have been unemployed sence 2007…i have a college degree and can not find work. i have exhausted all my benifits and have nothing. i have been homeless and went more then a week to a time without eating. ia m also a heart patiant with other health issues.thank you congress for Not helping anyone but yourselves.

  18. linda bledsoe - new york state says:

    i have been unemployed sence 2007…i have a college degree and can not find work. i have exhausted all my benifits and have nothing. i have been homeless and went more then a week to a time without eating. ia m also a heart patiant with other health issues.thank you congress for Not helping anyone but yourselves.

  19. I am just one of the many, many, many 99ers in our country today. I became a 99er back in April 2010 and even though my unemployment benefits were nothing to “write home about”, the money was essential for my family and me (and, btw, NO I would not stop looking for work just because I was collecting unemployment benefits!). I am one of those people who always did the right thing: was a “high potential employee”, loyal to my company for over 15 years, lived within my means, gave to those who had less than I did, invested in all communities I lived in, obeyed the law AND lost my job just when I turned 50 years of age. Since losing my job in 2008, I had to give up health insurance and all the nice things that come with having a paycheck. I have no savings left because I felt an obligation to continue to pay my mortgage and I continue to look for work because I have a lot to contribute to any employer and want the dignity that comes with earning a living. I feel that I don’t count and, for the first time in my life, I am invisible.

  20. I am just one of the many, many, many 99ers in our country today. I became a 99er back in April 2010 and even though my unemployment benefits were nothing to “write home about”, the money was essential for my family and me (and, btw, NO I would not stop looking for work just because I was collecting unemployment benefits!). I am one of those people who always did the right thing: was a “high potential employee”, loyal to my company for over 15 years, lived within my means, gave to those who had less than I did, invested in all communities I lived in, obeyed the law AND lost my job just when I turned 50 years of age. Since losing my job in 2008, I had to give up health insurance and all the nice things that come with having a paycheck. I have no savings left because I felt an obligation to continue to pay my mortgage and I continue to look for work because I have a lot to contribute to any employer and want the dignity that comes with earning a living. I feel that I don’t count and, for the first time in my life, I am invisible.

  21. Pat in NJ says:

    Well here we are yet again. The rich continue to use us as pawns in there political games!
    The 99er’s are ignored and we are in desperate need of a Tier 5. i’ve been without benefits since July 2010 and continue to look for that job that I’m told I’m too lazy to get!!! Don’t know about you but I’m damned tired of them playing with MY life!!!

  22. Pat in NJ says:

    Well here we are yet again. The rich continue to use us as pawns in there political games!
    The 99er’s are ignored and we are in desperate need of a Tier 5. i’ve been without benefits since July 2010 and continue to look for that job that I’m told I’m too lazy to get!!! Don’t know about you but I’m damned tired of them playing with MY life!!!

  23. Marlene in INDIANA says:

    I’ve been without benefits since May 2010 and continue to look for a job – ANY job. I’m trying not to be depressed and angry, as these are unproductive emotions, but it’s very difficult when each day brings the same result.

  24. Marlene in INDIANA says:

    I’ve been without benefits since May 2010 and continue to look for a job – ANY job. I’m trying not to be depressed and angry, as these are unproductive emotions, but it’s very difficult when each day brings the same result.

  25. 3 Months Unemployed - TX says:

    For any politician that thinks the unemployed are not looking for work, they are delusional. So please ask Eric Cantor and any other moron pundit to stop those comments for the sake of humanity that have fallen on hard times. There are people threatening to commit suicide on blogs due to the defeat of HR 6419, which I pray they don’t do. I know times are tough, but I hope they hang in there and don’t give up hope. Part of the 5th district only lists 25 to 35 jobs of which not everyone qualifies, are just companies attempting to exploit people or are old job posting. I have applied for many, many jobs and received only three interviews with no job offers yet.

    Also people, like me don’t need to be retrained. I have a bachelor degree in computer information systems, 18 hours of graduate work, and certified in business and special education. Yet, I am still a laid off teacher – so I am not sure where the stimulus for teachers went, but there are plenty of teachers in the unemployment line. School districts have taken to hiring new teachers to cut the budget. These same districts openly practice age discrimination, whereby the unemployment office told me, they will only interview a teacher with less than 5 years experience. I had to inform this work force employee that they were assisting in practicing age discrimination. School bond elections keep getting voted down in my area, because the district does not realize that their dirty secret it out.

    Second, when the stimulus went out, any one behind in child support did not see a check, because the state took it. Then they also have been taking part of people’s unemployment for child support. When the unemployment runs out, they take people’s 401(k) plans for delinquent child support. I guess this is why the politicians thought NAFTA was so good. The jobs leave and they get to raid people’s accounts.

    My Proposal

    Here is my proposal for helping to assist the unemployed. I have read the blogs of many talented individuals out of work. So extend the unemployment and provide economic development money so these people can band together to start companies, whereby they are all equal owners and vote on how the company is run. These companies should be given top priority on government contracts and subcontracts to mentor them along and by cutting all the red tape. I have seen two companies on TV that have been very successful in establishing these types of firms.

    It is this type of thinking out of the box that will build jobs in America. Give us a hand up, not a hand out. Restore our dignity instead of shaming us. I know budget cuts are a great concern to many people, however, words can hurt and people are scared. Any one that reads the blogs and cannot shed a tear for these people has truly grown a cold heart.

  26. 3 Months Unemployed - TX says:

    For any politician that thinks the unemployed are not looking for work, they are delusional. So please ask Eric Cantor and any other moron pundit to stop those comments for the sake of humanity that have fallen on hard times. There are people threatening to commit suicide on blogs due to the defeat of HR 6419, which I pray they don’t do. I know times are tough, but I hope they hang in there and don’t give up hope. Part of the 5th district only lists 25 to 35 jobs of which not everyone qualifies, are just companies attempting to exploit people or are old job posting. I have applied for many, many jobs and received only three interviews with no job offers yet.

    Also people, like me don’t need to be retrained. I have a bachelor degree in computer information systems, 18 hours of graduate work, and certified in business and special education. Yet, I am still a laid off teacher – so I am not sure where the stimulus for teachers went, but there are plenty of teachers in the unemployment line. School districts have taken to hiring new teachers to cut the budget. These same districts openly practice age discrimination, whereby the unemployment office told me, they will only interview a teacher with less than 5 years experience. I had to inform this work force employee that they were assisting in practicing age discrimination. School bond elections keep getting voted down in my area, because the district does not realize that their dirty secret it out.

    Second, when the stimulus went out, any one behind in child support did not see a check, because the state took it. Then they also have been taking part of people’s unemployment for child support. When the unemployment runs out, they take people’s 401(k) plans for delinquent child support. I guess this is why the politicians thought NAFTA was so good. The jobs leave and they get to raid people’s accounts.

    My Proposal

    Here is my proposal for helping to assist the unemployed. I have read the blogs of many talented individuals out of work. So extend the unemployment and provide economic development money so these people can band together to start companies, whereby they are all equal owners and vote on how the company is run. These companies should be given top priority on government contracts and subcontracts to mentor them along and by cutting all the red tape. I have seen two companies on TV that have been very successful in establishing these types of firms.

    It is this type of thinking out of the box that will build jobs in America. Give us a hand up, not a hand out. Restore our dignity instead of shaming us. I know budget cuts are a great concern to many people, however, words can hurt and people are scared. Any one that reads the blogs and cannot shed a tear for these people has truly grown a cold heart.

  27. C. Mitchell - CA says:

    I am 61 years old, worked for the same company for 31 years as an Executive Administrative Assistant and have been unemployed since June 2008. I wasted 1 1/2 of my UI benefits going to school through the California Worksource Center government paid program (WIA) for Medical Record Coder. The program was supposed to train me for a new job reentry into the workforce. My job didn’t go overseas but my Los Angeles based company was acquired by a company from the Netherlands (The Hague) and merged with a company in Cedar Rapids, IA. I was fired by telephone by a manager who had all the qualifications of a “Workplace Bully”, acting much like the Republicans. “I don’t care about you just as long as I get mine.” He saved the company money by getting rid of me with “falsified truth” and hired someone cheaper in IA.

  28. C. Mitchell - CA says:

    I am 61 years old, worked for the same company for 31 years as an Executive Administrative Assistant and have been unemployed since June 2008. I wasted 1 1/2 of my UI benefits going to school through the California Worksource Center government paid program (WIA) for Medical Record Coder. The program was supposed to train me for a new job reentry into the workforce. My job didn’t go overseas but my Los Angeles based company was acquired by a company from the Netherlands (The Hague) and merged with a company in Cedar Rapids, IA. I was fired by telephone by a manager who had all the qualifications of a “Workplace Bully”, acting much like the Republicans. “I don’t care about you just as long as I get mine.” He saved the company money by getting rid of me with “falsified truth” and hired someone cheaper in IA.

  29. Arvilla - in California says:

    I feel it is time to rebel. Maybe this site is a good start

  30. Arvilla - in California says:

    I feel it is time to rebel. Maybe this site is a good start

  31. Bob - Mo says:

    I agree! It’s time for the masses to be taken seriously.

  32. Bob - Mo says:

    I agree! It’s time for the masses to be taken seriously.

  33. Teri in OREGON says:

    Klamath County
    ex-JeldWen employee

  34. Teri in OREGON says:

    Klamath County
    ex-JeldWen employee

  35. I ‘m 61 yrs old and live in Reno, Nevada. Nevada has the highest Unemployment in the country. 14.4 %
    How could Harry Reid do nothing for us 99ers ? He knows there aren’t enough Mc Donalds to hire all the Unemployed. Winter is here help and were expecting a foot of snow, but yet REID has done NOTHING to HELP.
    I wish come November 2012 we could get an all new Congress, House and Senate of UNEMPLOYED people to run for those positions and get voted in.
    What can we do ? I’ve tryed everything I know of, I e-mail, call, etc and never get any response.

  36. I ‘m 61 yrs old and live in Reno, Nevada. Nevada has the highest Unemployment in the country. 14.4 %
    How could Harry Reid do nothing for us 99ers ? He knows there aren’t enough Mc Donalds to hire all the Unemployed. Winter is here help and were expecting a foot of snow, but yet REID has done NOTHING to HELP.
    I wish come November 2012 we could get an all new Congress, House and Senate of UNEMPLOYED people to run for those positions and get voted in.
    What can we do ? I’ve tryed everything I know of, I e-mail, call, etc and never get any response.

  37. Dave says:


  38. Dave says:


  39. Dave says:

    Is there anyway we, as american citizens, do that?

  40. Dave says:

    Is there anyway we, as american citizens, do that?

  41. Dave says:

    3 Months Unemployed – TX. I am with you!!

  42. Dave says:

    3 Months Unemployed – TX. I am with you!!

  43. Dave says:

    I emailed Marcy Captur, to no avail. Whats new?

  44. Dave says:

    I emailed Marcy Captur, to no avail. Whats new?

  45. Dave says:

    So, organized resistance, what’s your plan?

  46. Dave says:

    So, organized resistance, what’s your plan?

  47. Dave says:

    This is going to keep going on, gov’t is not doing to do ANYTING about it, not even obama, what a joke he is turning out to be!

  48. Dave says:

    This is going to keep going on, gov’t is not doing to do ANYTING about it, not even obama, what a joke he is turning out to be!

  49. Dave says:

    Well, I will tell you my plan: First, bring EVERYONE in the armed services back home around the world back to this country that has been fighting for years and years, saving millions, billions of dollars, then cut at least 50% of ALL the top corporations top paying salaries, the ones that having been raping all the taxpayers all these years! TO BEGIN WITH!

    • Henry Shivley OR says:

      You are right, first we end the wars. Then we end CAFTA, NAFTA, and GATT, close our borders, make the international corporate mafia banksters give back all the bailout stimulus money, make the owners of the corporations who have a trillion dollars held in other countries pay taxes on that money, put huge tariffs on all imports, 90% tax on all monies leaving this country and going to other countries to be invested, and then take all the recovered monies and put them in a government account to be lent out interest free to the unemployed entrepreneur. This will result in the unemployed putting the unemployed back to work, the re-establishment of our industrial base, and after that nothing but good times ahead.

  50. Dave says:

    Well, I will tell you my plan: First, bring EVERYONE in the armed services back home around the world back to this country that has been fighting for years and years, saving millions, billions of dollars, then cut at least 50% of ALL the top corporations top paying salaries, the ones that having been raping all the taxpayers all these years! TO BEGIN WITH!

    • Henry Shivley OR says:

      You are right, first we end the wars. Then we end CAFTA, NAFTA, and GATT, close our borders, make the international corporate mafia banksters give back all the bailout stimulus money, make the owners of the corporations who have a trillion dollars held in other countries pay taxes on that money, put huge tariffs on all imports, 90% tax on all monies leaving this country and going to other countries to be invested, and then take all the recovered monies and put them in a government account to be lent out interest free to the unemployed entrepreneur. This will result in the unemployed putting the unemployed back to work, the re-establishment of our industrial base, and after that nothing but good times ahead.

  51. Rhonda W says:

    I am sick of reading news pieces about politicians who worry about how we 99ers have become lazy and don’t look for work. Really???? Many of us who are unemployed held down jobs that spoke of climbing the ladder. Climbing career ladders takes hard work, and lots of grit. Those of us who have done it know that the best thing we can do to make our way back up the ladder is to start with whatever is available. That includes low paying jobs….

    I’ve been unemployed for 2 years now. Prior to that I had a long and decent career history. If one were to view my job history they would see that I have been a very hard worker. Work is how I have always defined myself. Why would I suddenly determine to become lazy? Its just very stupid!

    Right now I am busting my butt trying to sell items at swap meets. I sunk a very small chunk of bills into the biz. It pays nothing so far. I mean I see it slowly going up but it is difficult to earn anything. Most times I just break even with enough to try another day but in recent months I’ve seen a small pathetic profit. I’m hoping it will start to be enough to make a living. However I am still looking for a job because it is not a reliable business because of weather elements and such… If I were lazy I would lay down and die and not bother doing what I’m doing to survive… and I’m still not surviving. At least being out there and doing something that takes a lot of work helps me to be able to say that those senators that say we are lazy are really out of touch with reality. But wait… I’m not willing to work for less or do dirty work or do work that creates sweat??? Right???

  52. Rhonda W says:

    I am sick of reading news pieces about politicians who worry about how we 99ers have become lazy and don’t look for work. Really???? Many of us who are unemployed held down jobs that spoke of climbing the ladder. Climbing career ladders takes hard work, and lots of grit. Those of us who have done it know that the best thing we can do to make our way back up the ladder is to start with whatever is available. That includes low paying jobs….

    I’ve been unemployed for 2 years now. Prior to that I had a long and decent career history. If one were to view my job history they would see that I have been a very hard worker. Work is how I have always defined myself. Why would I suddenly determine to become lazy? Its just very stupid!

    Right now I am busting my butt trying to sell items at swap meets. I sunk a very small chunk of bills into the biz. It pays nothing so far. I mean I see it slowly going up but it is difficult to earn anything. Most times I just break even with enough to try another day but in recent months I’ve seen a small pathetic profit. I’m hoping it will start to be enough to make a living. However I am still looking for a job because it is not a reliable business because of weather elements and such… If I were lazy I would lay down and die and not bother doing what I’m doing to survive… and I’m still not surviving. At least being out there and doing something that takes a lot of work helps me to be able to say that those senators that say we are lazy are really out of touch with reality. But wait… I’m not willing to work for less or do dirty work or do work that creates sweat??? Right???

  53. Henry Shivley OR says:

    We have tweaked the Nationwide Rally to Extend Unemployment Insurance page. Please go there and post your employment office’s address to be added to the list.

  54. Henry Shivley OR says:

    We have tweaked the Nationwide Rally to Extend Unemployment Insurance page. Please go there and post your employment office’s address to be added to the list.

  55. Barbara says:

    Henry — This is what I am trying to post and it will not work.

    We have set up a website. This is a start for state by state unity. Next we will start going from county to county, and city to city. Once we reach that point we would be able to organize active civil disobedience. Our new site is When you get there go to the Organized Resistance page. We need as many people as possible to go to the site in order to get it into Google search engine so we can begin organizing. If you have any ideas as to how to improve the site please put it as a comment on the front page story.

  56. Barbara says:

    Henry — This is what I am trying to post and it will not work.

    We have set up a website. This is a start for state by state unity. Next we will start going from county to county, and city to city. Once we reach that point we would be able to organize active civil disobedience. Our new site is When you get there go to the Organized Resistance page. We need as many people as possible to go to the site in order to get it into Google search engine so we can begin organizing. If you have any ideas as to how to improve the site please put it as a comment on the front page story.

  57. Ivan says:

    Jeld Wen has laid of many in the last 2 yrs. They just sent out notice they are going after everyone’s 401’s. The Wendt’s have a history of trying to abolish social security. The late Dick Wendt was vivid about this. Jeld Wen is claiming a IRS rule that they can now ask all previous retirees who were given 5 yrs (Jeld WEn policy) at a fixed rate to collect their 401k, that they are going to pull back on the agreements and hold everyone to current stock market (private stock JW) values as of Dec 31, 2010. WE had NO choice when we retired, but to take the 5 yr agreement. Now they are ruling to base it on current Stock Market value. Most of us have lost 10’s of thousand. Jeld Wen CEO Rod Wendt also has frozen all stock owners, from collecting their invested stock. This has been going on for over 2 yrs. Even as the stock drops, he will not let us collect our shares. I wish some Lawyer would read this and help us. Hundreds are going to be hurt by this JW ruling. WE have NO SAY. Help

    Wendt, who favored the abolishment of social security, initiated an ad campaign that portrayed the system as on the brink of collapse.

    • Henry Shivley OR says:

      You have to realize that you happen to be living in the Fiefdom of Wendt. They own everything here, including you. Rod Wendt sits on the Federal Reserve Board in Portland. He also owns the courts, clear into the 9th Circuit Federal Court and no lawyer who want to keep his licence is going to challenge the Wendts. I’m sure there are Rod Wendts in every state in the union and the only way we are going to be free of them is by taking our country back and reinstating our Constitution, which does not allow for corporate lords.
      I’m sorry to hear about the theft of your 401K, but until this country wakes up as a whole, I believe there is nothing you can do about it.

  58. Ivan says:

    Jeld Wen has laid of many in the last 2 yrs. They just sent out notice they are going after everyone’s 401’s. The Wendt’s have a history of trying to abolish social security. The late Dick Wendt was vivid about this. Jeld Wen is claiming a IRS rule that they can now ask all previous retirees who were given 5 yrs (Jeld WEn policy) at a fixed rate to collect their 401k, that they are going to pull back on the agreements and hold everyone to current stock market (private stock JW) values as of Dec 31, 2010. WE had NO choice when we retired, but to take the 5 yr agreement. Now they are ruling to base it on current Stock Market value. Most of us have lost 10’s of thousand. Jeld Wen CEO Rod Wendt also has frozen all stock owners, from collecting their invested stock. This has been going on for over 2 yrs. Even as the stock drops, he will not let us collect our shares. I wish some Lawyer would read this and help us. Hundreds are going to be hurt by this JW ruling. WE have NO SAY. Help

    Wendt, who favored the abolishment of social security, initiated an ad campaign that portrayed the system as on the brink of collapse.

    • Henry Shivley OR says:

      You have to realize that you happen to be living in the Fiefdom of Wendt. They own everything here, including you. Rod Wendt sits on the Federal Reserve Board in Portland. He also owns the courts, clear into the 9th Circuit Federal Court and no lawyer who want to keep his licence is going to challenge the Wendts. I’m sure there are Rod Wendts in every state in the union and the only way we are going to be free of them is by taking our country back and reinstating our Constitution, which does not allow for corporate lords.
      I’m sorry to hear about the theft of your 401K, but until this country wakes up as a whole, I believe there is nothing you can do about it.

  59. Ivan Klamath Falls says:

    please city to my previous email

  60. Ivan Klamath Falls says:

    please city to my previous email

  61. Ronni V. - TX says:

    Tier 4 – Lower Threshold

    A quick solution that can help many people who are unemployed out there is to lower the threshold for Tier 4. Tier 4 provides an additional 6 weeks of unemployment benefits.
    Currently a state is required to have an 8.5% unemployment rate to qualify which leaves out the State of Texas. By simply lowering TIER 4 to 7.5% in the renewal legislation, Congress could include some additional benefits to people without extending benefits out over 99 weeks.

    There are 13 states that now require the 8.5% unemployment rate before Tier 4 can be implemented. If this is lowered to 7.5% MANY can be helped–it’s a start even if politicians continue to balk at Tier V and wish to treat it separately from other extensions.

    To Texans and those in the other 12 states with the 8.5% qualifier for Tier 4 — PLEASE write your legislators to get this option before them.

  62. Ronni V. - TX says:

    Tier 4 – Lower Threshold

    A quick solution that can help many people who are unemployed out there is to lower the threshold for Tier 4. Tier 4 provides an additional 6 weeks of unemployment benefits.
    Currently a state is required to have an 8.5% unemployment rate to qualify which leaves out the State of Texas. By simply lowering TIER 4 to 7.5% in the renewal legislation, Congress could include some additional benefits to people without extending benefits out over 99 weeks.

    There are 13 states that now require the 8.5% unemployment rate before Tier 4 can be implemented. If this is lowered to 7.5% MANY can be helped–it’s a start even if politicians continue to balk at Tier V and wish to treat it separately from other extensions.

    To Texans and those in the other 12 states with the 8.5% qualifier for Tier 4 — PLEASE write your legislators to get this option before them.

  63. charlie says:

    I see no link here to join…where is it?

    • Henry Shivley OR says:

      If you want to add your name to the Organize list, just put your state down. If you want to add your name to the Nationwide Rally, put the address of your local unemployment office on the Nationwide Rally page. It’s a drop down under the Organized Resistance page.

  64. charlie says:

    I see no link here to join…where is it?

    • Henry Shivley OR says:

      If you want to add your name to the Organize list, just put your state down. If you want to add your name to the Nationwide Rally, put the address of your local unemployment office on the Nationwide Rally page. It’s a drop down under the Organized Resistance page.

  65. Henry Shivley OR says:

    I will no longer be writing articles for World News Heard Now as I have been downsized. At least for a few weeks. However I will still be posting articles daily on this site. You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter. Just put From the Trenches World Report in their search and you will find me.

  66. Henry Shivley OR says:

    I will no longer be writing articles for World News Heard Now as I have been downsized. At least for a few weeks. However I will still be posting articles daily on this site. You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter. Just put From the Trenches World Report in their search and you will find me.

  67. ready says:

    Your articles should get some blood boiling in the unemployed who have otherwise been content to just write notes and send faxes.

    denver, colorado

  68. ready says:

    Your articles should get some blood boiling in the unemployed who have otherwise been content to just write notes and send faxes.

    denver, colorado

  69. Richard, Seattle, WA says:

    United we stand!

  70. Richard, Seattle, WA says:

    United we stand!

  71. BernieR says:

    Interesante, yo cotizaciуn en mi sitio mбs tarde.


  72. BernieR says:

    Interesante, yo cotizaciуn en mi sitio mбs tarde.


  73. Maria says:

    Thank you !! oregon.

  74. Maria says:

    Thank you !! oregon.

  75. Natalie says:

    From Ohio – 99er – Last payment received in March -Unemployed since 2008, been looking for work continuously. We need a Tier V and a new Jobs Policy Immediately,

  76. Natalie says:

    From Ohio – 99er – Last payment received in March -Unemployed since 2008, been looking for work continuously. We need a Tier V and a new Jobs Policy Immediately,

  77. ELI says:

    I am sorry but the media and the president make it sound as if they are helping the unemployed!!!!!
    They are Not! that will again only pacify!! I am Sorry I feel horrible to say this but extend UI for all ! we 99er fell hard when the economy crumbled 99 weeks ago plus! now we are worst of than ever! this long term unemployment has done nothing but cripple us! we 99ers get no help but the dam rich do!! do you realize those whom are getting an extension will join us very soon become 99ers.the president said two million unemployed ! nooooo! we are not invisible NO DEAL!!!!!!!! NO TO THE DAM RICH!!!

  78. ELI says:

    I am sorry but the media and the president make it sound as if they are helping the unemployed!!!!!
    They are Not! that will again only pacify!! I am Sorry I feel horrible to say this but extend UI for all ! we 99er fell hard when the economy crumbled 99 weeks ago plus! now we are worst of than ever! this long term unemployment has done nothing but cripple us! we 99ers get no help but the dam rich do!! do you realize those whom are getting an extension will join us very soon become 99ers.the president said two million unemployed ! nooooo! we are not invisible NO DEAL!!!!!!!! NO TO THE DAM RICH!!!

  79. Dale says:

    I’ll become a 99er mid January. (sarcastically),”Hey that’s nothing to worry about, isn’t that the time of year that most companies are hiring?????”. DUH!!!
    Let me know what I can do to help this cause.

  80. Dale says:

    I’ll become a 99er mid January. (sarcastically),”Hey that’s nothing to worry about, isn’t that the time of year that most companies are hiring?????”. DUH!!!
    Let me know what I can do to help this cause.

  81. bob says:

    The only thing these bastards will understand is violence!

  82. bob says:

    The only thing these bastards will understand is violence!

  83. Elizabeth says:

    Thanks and God Bless!

  84. Elizabeth says:

    Thanks and God Bless!

  85. Dee Dee says:

    Dee Dee
    January 7,2011 3:50 pm
    Phoenix Arizona

  86. Dee Dee says:

    Dee Dee
    January 7,2011 3:50 pm
    Phoenix Arizona

  87. Angie M. says:

    I often wondered why there is no news or flyer circulating about starting a protest. If we would all unite and protest than maybe someone will hear us. All of the blogging will not help. We got to get out there and make our voices heard. How will the government know that anyone cares about this if no one speaks up.

  88. Angie M. says:

    I often wondered why there is no news or flyer circulating about starting a protest. If we would all unite and protest than maybe someone will hear us. All of the blogging will not help. We got to get out there and make our voices heard. How will the government know that anyone cares about this if no one speaks up.

  89. Angie M. says:

    Ready and willing to protest in jackson,MI.

  90. Angie M. says:

    Ready and willing to protest in jackson,MI.

  91. 99at61reinventing??? says:

    I just got a reply letter from Senator Patty Murray expressing her concern over the 32,000 unemployed Washingtonians that have run out of benifits and how her and her colleagues are striving to create programs to creat jobs and retraining our workforce for the jobs we create..
    Vancouver Washinton

  92. 99at61reinventing??? says:

    I just got a reply letter from Senator Patty Murray expressing her concern over the 32,000 unemployed Washingtonians that have run out of benifits and how her and her colleagues are striving to create programs to creat jobs and retraining our workforce for the jobs we create..
    Vancouver Washinton

  93. Denise1960-Illinois says:

    We need an extension now! The government is ignoring Americans who have worked in this country and supported everyone else i.e., social security, unemployment insurance, taxes. I cannot believe we are considered lazy. Lazy people don’t work for 30+ years, get laid off through no fault of their own, and look for a job, any job for months, and years, on end. Where are the jobs, I cannot even get a fast food job, they give them to the young people. We need our government to stop ignoring us.

  94. Denise1960-Illinois says:

    We need an extension now! The government is ignoring Americans who have worked in this country and supported everyone else i.e., social security, unemployment insurance, taxes. I cannot believe we are considered lazy. Lazy people don’t work for 30+ years, get laid off through no fault of their own, and look for a job, any job for months, and years, on end. Where are the jobs, I cannot even get a fast food job, they give them to the young people. We need our government to stop ignoring us.

  95. betty says:

    I am a 99er with no income since mar 2010. I and my cat are homeless and live in my car. As a working American it is a disgrace to treat citizens this way. Help our people before foreign countries. I live in Indiana

  96. betty says:

    I am a 99er with no income since mar 2010. I and my cat are homeless and live in my car. As a working American it is a disgrace to treat citizens this way. Help our people before foreign countries. I live in Indiana

  97. Darius says:

    My name is Darius my state is new york city bronx thanks angel n y c

  98. Darius says:

    My name is Darius my state is new york city bronx thanks angel n y c

  99. lynn hutchens says:

    Been a 99er since 0ct. 2010. Lost my home and everything in it. I still have my car only because it’s paid for. soon no insurance or gas money to search for a job unless we get an extention. ha ha like that’s going to happen. I moved in with my aging, sick parents but don’t know how long this can last. The only help for a 51 yr. old female with no underaged children is food stamps. A whole 200. a month. No health benefits. No housing unless you’re disabled which I’m not. Too young to get social security. So what are we supposed to do? Give up and die I guess. Depression is a real living thing. I’ve put in so many applications, some places 2-4 times. I’ve had a few interviews but no call backs. I was an upholster in furniture for 28 years. It’s not like I don’t have knowledge of a trade. I’ve even applied at restuarants which was what I did before furniture but no luck there either. Online ha ha what a joke! I pray the good Lord calls me home before I have to live in my car next! NO one cares or understands the 99ers plight, NO ONE. Our government does not care in the least!!!!! sick and tired…..

  100. lynn hutchens says:

    Been a 99er since 0ct. 2010. Lost my home and everything in it. I still have my car only because it’s paid for. soon no insurance or gas money to search for a job unless we get an extention. ha ha like that’s going to happen. I moved in with my aging, sick parents but don’t know how long this can last. The only help for a 51 yr. old female with no underaged children is food stamps. A whole 200. a month. No health benefits. No housing unless you’re disabled which I’m not. Too young to get social security. So what are we supposed to do? Give up and die I guess. Depression is a real living thing. I’ve put in so many applications, some places 2-4 times. I’ve had a few interviews but no call backs. I was an upholster in furniture for 28 years. It’s not like I don’t have knowledge of a trade. I’ve even applied at restuarants which was what I did before furniture but no luck there either. Online ha ha what a joke! I pray the good Lord calls me home before I have to live in my car next! NO one cares or understands the 99ers plight, NO ONE. Our government does not care in the least!!!!! sick and tired…..

  101. lynn hutchens says:

    oops, forgot to put where I’m from: High Point , N.C.

  102. lynn hutchens says:

    oops, forgot to put where I’m from: High Point , N.C.

  103. We need to get organized reguardless as to how many weapons we’ve got! Without organization we’re dog meat!

  104. We need to get organized reguardless as to how many weapons we’ve got! Without organization we’re dog meat!

  105. Ed says:

    I read these posts and I am given over to grief, real grief for all the people in this country who have been left out and left behind through no fault of their own. No fault that is, other than trusting the bankers and the politicians to provide for their security while they did nothing but try to enjoy the American Dream. The downside of the American Dream, of course, is that to enjoy it, one has to be asleep. So now we are left out and left behind while the rich manipulate the outcome. We have to understand that this IS the plan and has been for quite some time. America, land of the free (LOL), home of the brave is done, finished, over. The politicians will not listen to you, the bankers will not help you, your fellow citizens are facing the same plight, and cannot help you no matter how much they would like to do so. We are in a life and death situation here. You can be marginalized to the point that you starve to death, or take matters into your own hands and face prison or death at the hands of the law. That is where we are now. That is the reality of the situation and we can no longer avoid facing that fact. Take what you need, by any means necessary, and worry about the consequences later. We are back in the days of Bonnie and Clyde. Get some. Or are you so brainwashed by societal “standards” that you would prefer to die than to engage in act of civil disobedience?

  106. Ed says:

    I read these posts and I am given over to grief, real grief for all the people in this country who have been left out and left behind through no fault of their own. No fault that is, other than trusting the bankers and the politicians to provide for their security while they did nothing but try to enjoy the American Dream. The downside of the American Dream, of course, is that to enjoy it, one has to be asleep. So now we are left out and left behind while the rich manipulate the outcome. We have to understand that this IS the plan and has been for quite some time. America, land of the free (LOL), home of the brave is done, finished, over. The politicians will not listen to you, the bankers will not help you, your fellow citizens are facing the same plight, and cannot help you no matter how much they would like to do so. We are in a life and death situation here. You can be marginalized to the point that you starve to death, or take matters into your own hands and face prison or death at the hands of the law. That is where we are now. That is the reality of the situation and we can no longer avoid facing that fact. Take what you need, by any means necessary, and worry about the consequences later. We are back in the days of Bonnie and Clyde. Get some. Or are you so brainwashed by societal “standards” that you would prefer to die than to engage in act of civil disobedience?

  107. Ed says:

    BTW – Ohio

  108. Ed says:

    BTW – Ohio

  109. mikeone nyc says:

    We’ve got work to do.

  110. mikeone nyc says:

    We’ve got work to do.

  111. Kat says:

    Thank you Henry I didn’t realize this was here. I am in the L.A., I want to be on this list.

  112. Kat says:

    Thank you Henry I didn’t realize this was here. I am in the L.A., I want to be on this list.

  113. An American That Wants America Back says:

    Hi Henry,

    It is time to take America back from the jerks in DC. I am a 99er and have lost everything that I work very hard for.
    The repunks don’t to approve the extensions for the 99ers, but the dems have the vote. What really gets me piss
    is that the dems are for it, but do hear about any support from them all. There only two of them supporting us. The rest of the dems are sitting back and doing nothing for the good of the 99ers. How can all of us 99ers finally organize and put some real heat on these non supported losers. How can we get the repunks out and cause real pain to these asses. I have been feeling this pain for years and now I really want to share the pain and put real pain on these jerks. Am at the point I really don’t give a F*&^k about the the government coming after me. I have nothing to lose. i just receive a notice for the IRS for taxes I could not pay due to no work. I told them I no longer will pay them a penny because what I paid before was a waste of my hard earned money i received shit back for asking for help. I have my tax receipts and I want the money I paid into the system back because I not happy with our government services. I live in San Jose Ca and how can I start to organize to get the ball rolling. All Americans that are frustrated with the government jerks and need not to be afraid and heard. Lets do what we did in the 60’s revolt and take over. Other country’s are doing this. Lets get our America back and charge this government reps extortion and robbery of Tax payer money.

    • Henry Shivley - OR says:

      An American that wants America Back,
      Your name has been added to the States Represented to Date Page.
      In my opinion our biggest problem is solid communication. We are blocked from the mainstream and have yet to find a way to reach all of our people at one time.
      The next biggest problem is, I believe, too many 99ers aren’t hurting as bad as you and I. I mean, look at Gregg Rosen. He had a nice new suit and new glasses and didn’t possess enough anger to do anything more than sit in his own shit.
      There are a lot of people who are still institutionalized into the system and still believe one of the treasonous false left wing Democans or false right wing Republicrats is going to become privy to that secret of secrets that there are 20 million unemployed out here, and who is going to jump on his white horse and come and make everything right. Because, you see, the government cares, it’s just that they don’t understand the 99ers and our plight. Because they were born with silver spoons in their mouths and silver suppositories up their asses and have never known want a day in their lives.
      You see they piss on us because we are on the ground and their parents taught them it was alright to piss on anything beneath them. That is the one thing they do know and that is that we have been put beneath them. Though I do believe that they are coming to the realization that pissing on us just might have a consequence, because there are those among us who will not be pissed on. And hell, I guess if push comes to shove, we can use the rest for human shields. I’m sure they will volunteer as they are displaying every sign of being masochistic. They must like the pain.

  114. An American That Wants America Back says:

    Hi Henry,

    It is time to take America back from the jerks in DC. I am a 99er and have lost everything that I work very hard for.
    The repunks don’t to approve the extensions for the 99ers, but the dems have the vote. What really gets me piss
    is that the dems are for it, but do hear about any support from them all. There only two of them supporting us. The rest of the dems are sitting back and doing nothing for the good of the 99ers. How can all of us 99ers finally organize and put some real heat on these non supported losers. How can we get the repunks out and cause real pain to these asses. I have been feeling this pain for years and now I really want to share the pain and put real pain on these jerks. Am at the point I really don’t give a F*&^k about the the government coming after me. I have nothing to lose. i just receive a notice for the IRS for taxes I could not pay due to no work. I told them I no longer will pay them a penny because what I paid before was a waste of my hard earned money i received shit back for asking for help. I have my tax receipts and I want the money I paid into the system back because I not happy with our government services. I live in San Jose Ca and how can I start to organize to get the ball rolling. All Americans that are frustrated with the government jerks and need not to be afraid and heard. Lets do what we did in the 60’s revolt and take over. Other country’s are doing this. Lets get our America back and charge this government reps extortion and robbery of Tax payer money.

    • Henry Shivley - OR says:

      An American that wants America Back,
      Your name has been added to the States Represented to Date Page.
      In my opinion our biggest problem is solid communication. We are blocked from the mainstream and have yet to find a way to reach all of our people at one time.
      The next biggest problem is, I believe, too many 99ers aren’t hurting as bad as you and I. I mean, look at Gregg Rosen. He had a nice new suit and new glasses and didn’t possess enough anger to do anything more than sit in his own shit.
      There are a lot of people who are still institutionalized into the system and still believe one of the treasonous false left wing Democans or false right wing Republicrats is going to become privy to that secret of secrets that there are 20 million unemployed out here, and who is going to jump on his white horse and come and make everything right. Because, you see, the government cares, it’s just that they don’t understand the 99ers and our plight. Because they were born with silver spoons in their mouths and silver suppositories up their asses and have never known want a day in their lives.
      You see they piss on us because we are on the ground and their parents taught them it was alright to piss on anything beneath them. That is the one thing they do know and that is that we have been put beneath them. Though I do believe that they are coming to the realization that pissing on us just might have a consequence, because there are those among us who will not be pissed on. And hell, I guess if push comes to shove, we can use the rest for human shields. I’m sure they will volunteer as they are displaying every sign of being masochistic. They must like the pain.

  115. dan brainard says:

    Wake Up America And Stand Up, Even If You Live In california. Time To Reread Your 8th Grade Civics Constitution Lessons And Remind Your Self You Do Have RightS, Liberties And Privledges As Americans. California, Wake Up You Old Bear Flag Republic.

  116. Michael says:

    Myself, I absolutely refuse to negotiate with known terrorists. Obama can kiss my bed pan.

  117. Gina Casey says:

    New York

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